Saturday, January 28, 2006

Choosing Store Sites - is now Rocket Science

This is an absolute classic in terms of how predictive analytics can be deployed by retailers to gain a competitive edge. Identifying potential store locations used to be a field activity with the local real estate agent being your best guide. No longer - restuarants and retailers have started using advanced analytics software that analyze demographics, ethnic mix, home ownership, and other relevant factors to evaluate potential locations. The key here is intelligent interpretation of the available data to identify a clear trend. Analytics Service Providers can make a big impact in helping retailers getting this right.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Predictive Analytics for Restaurant Chains

Restaurant Chains like Wendy's, TGIF, etc. that collect significant operational data and have significant investments in BI infrastructure can use predictive analytics to gain a competitive edge. They could apply analytics to gain an edge in product design, product pilots and to understand consumer behavior.

Customer Segmentation

A pretty good article on how to get customer segmentation right...

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The Future Of Outsourcing - BusinessWeek

In its cover story for this week, Business Week has highlighted the transformation that is sweeping whole industries in North America.

I think the distribution and disaggregation of the modern corporation is inevitable. Outsourcing will take many forms and Business Analytics is likely to be another area that sees a huge surge in the next decade.

Depending on their competitive environment, companies can only decide how much they are ready to outsource, in what form and how they would manage the risks involved to get the desired returns.

Naysayers would do well to spend time deciding on the best way to adapt to this change rather than deny that it is happening or that it will accelerate further.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Emerging Opportunity

The following articles highlight the emerging opportunities for US firms to capitalise on the potential of KPO. Increased adoption by these firms will unlock value within their businesses, and reward their stakholders. The articles also list the areas that could potentially be considered for outsourcing.

Data Analytics: The Time Is Now!

Demand Analytics space getting Hot

Analytics Heats Up

No More Waiting in the Wings

Saturday, January 14, 2006

BusinessWeek on Math

BusinessWeek has done a cover story on Math and its potential to impact multiple aspects of business. See Math Will Rock Your World

I think the potential for offshoring significant aspects of solutions that use Math to automate business processes is immense. This area is already being exploited in a limited way in investment and business research, but the real payoff will be when advanced Math based business analytics solutions harness that advantage of knowledgable manpower available at affordable costs offshore.

Offshore Outsourcing - A New Avatar

Offshore Outsourcing is being reinvented. With the "IT outsourcing" wave going mainstream, newer and newer areas are being explored for potential outsourcing, leading to the unlocking of the business value for the outsourcers, and further disaggregation of the modern corporation.

Analytics Outsourcing is an emerging area that holds exciting promise on how companies can maximise business opportunities while keeping their costs down.