Diamonds are Forever! At What Price, Though?
Just when you thought Analytics cannot be applied for anything more exotic than the winners of the World Cup Soccer, along come another one.
Anderson Analytics believes they can value your diamond. They took large amounts of data, such as general diamond pricing and 4 ‘C’ information for thousands of diamonds, and analyzed it. Using advanced statistical software they literally ‘mined’ all the data available on over 44,000 diamonds. The result of the multivariate analysis was a methodology for predicting the price and market value of diamonds with a very high degree of certainty.
I checked it out. It's a much more robsut pricing calculator than Martin Rapaports Diamond Report / Price List. This diamond pricing tool takes into account many more variables. I tested it with several diamonds I found both on the internet and from retailers and 2 NYC wholesalers and it seems very accurate. Another step towards making diamonds a commodity.
Diamonds sellers and De Beers must hate this sort of stuff. They want everyone to believe each diamond is as unique as a snow flake. What bull shit. Looks like Anderson Analytics isn't even making any money off of it, simply sharing an unbiased pricing simulator for free. Very cool
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